Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Parenting Trinity...

 OK, so, before I go into this blog let me put a disclaimer. I am not a theologian, I am not a doctor, psychologist or hold any professional degree of any sort. I am simply a follower of Christ, a husband and a father. My inspiration and thoughts are derived simply from spending time in the presence of the Lord, doing what He has called me to do, and from being with my family. So basically, I do not proclaim to an expert at anything, these thoughts are my own revelation, take them how you want.
 So, The parenting trinity you ask? First thing I thought when those words came into mind was, Lord you are going to have to shed some light on this one for me. And as usual, He did, as He faithfully does time and time again. So what does it mean? Well here we go. God, as we understand in our limited human comprehension of God(Yes, I've been reading Tozer), is three persons in one. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God in His mighty abilities functions simultaneously every second of every moment of everyday in all three persons. Mind blower I know. The discussion of the trinity can be for another day, I am simply going to show how God has shown me relevance of that in my life and in parenting. You see, as parents, and in life in general, we have to learn to operate in the same manner. Now, before you accuse me of saying we can be God the Father, Son or Holy Spirit, I am not. I am simply saying we most be like Him. After all, aren't we taught in the scriptures that we are being transformed into a new creation, that we are made in His image and likeness, that we are to die to self, to daily pick up our cross and follow Jesus? So you see, if we are to be like Him, we must act and operate like Him. So, there will be situations in parenting, where we will have to learn to operate in one of those attributes. First we'll look at those three persons, and define, to the best of knowledge and abilities, the characteristics of each.
 First, the Father, when we see God as a father in the bible, we find some very distinct traits that He brings. Love, wisdom, truth, justice,righteousness all which mean that the father is wise, honest, just, and righteous. We also see that the father brings correction, discipline and judgement. But you see, He doesn't bring just one at time, each characteristic comes simultaneously with the others. And the last three cannot come without the others.
 Second we have the Son, now how can a "son" have a role in parenting, well we are talking about the attributes of the Son (Jesus), displayed in His teachings, actions and even now in His current role in our lives today. When we see or hear Jesus, we see first and foremost Love. Then we see mercy, grace, forgiveness, compassion, peace and joy all leading to redemption, rescue and ultimately salvation. Again all these traits operate together. You cannot separate one from the other. To do so would say that God is not omniscient, infinite and almighty. As parents these are things that reinforce the actions of the Father.
 Third we have the Holy spirit. I had to park here for a little while, but it came to me. Joy,peace, love, kindness, gentleness etc. All of these are what gives the warm and fuzzies! The Holy Spirit is our comforter, our interpreter, our very connection to God. This is the very one that Jesus said who come after He ascended to be with the Father. Without these attributes it is impossible to enact upon any other level of the trinity. You will find you will need these attributes, the Spirit, in order to funtion in the role of the "father" or the "son".
 Every situation in life is unique, and has it's own special way it needs to be dealt with. As those situations arise, you have to make a choice. Am I going to respond like the world, though the word says I am in this world, but not of this world(just sayin')? Should I respond like the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit? Now hears the ultimate answer, all three. Easier said than done, believe I know, and have failed the test over and over again. But I am learning that even though a situation may call for more emphasis on one particular attribute, you will need the other two to bring forth resolution to your circumstance.
 In closing I'll say this, if we are made in His image and Likeness, and if we are being put to death daily and being made to be more and more like Him, it is safe to say that we have the ability to function as He does. For Him, God, He cannot be any other way, He cannot change because He always remains the God who was, is, and is to come. We on the other hand can, must change. We must learn to function as He does. What better way to model to our children, if we begin to function in the same way as God. He clearly sets the example for us, by demonstrating His love, by being the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. He shows and tells us through His living word that to be like Him is the only way to live.
Love In Christ
Be Blessed!!!!

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