Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you a Gardener?

 2012 is starting out already to be an amazing year. God has set us upon a new and exciting journey that I never would've even imagined a year ago. The Lord has also begun to bring deeper revelation to me that I am just enthralled about. Over the past few days I have spent quite some time just sitting before God and allowing Him to just speak to me. And during that time He has taught me about Gardening. Yes, gardening, but more on a spiritual level, than natural.
 It started with the Lord asking me about a Garden, you know, what's it for? How do you start it? How do you cultivate it? So on and so on. Then He just unloaded on me. First He showed me, man was created in the Garden. It was in that garden, the Lord created man from the ground and breathed His life giving breathe into him. He showed me that is how God created us, to be in that secret garden with Him, in a place of communion and intimacy with Him. Of course we know how the story goes, man is eventually removed from the garden and separated from Him. But, it is still entrenched in us a desire, deep desire in our spirit to return to that place.
 The next thing He revealed to me was that, the first thing we must do is, find the garden. I immediately asked, how do I find it? He then showed me when we find Jesus, we find the garden. You see, when we except Jesus in our hearts, we find that place of communion with God. Christ is our advocate with the Father. It is through Christ we can enter in to His presence. We enter the garden with Christ.
 The Lord then showed me how the garden works. He showed me at times we are in a season of  plowing,  preparing the land and planting seeds. These are times of prayer and intercession and worship. Then there are times we go into the garden to get the things we need. When we go before the Lord and just soak in His presence and listen, these are times of spiritual growth. This is when the Lord does His part and sends the rain and sun to help the "crop" grow.
 Finally He showed me the harvesting time. There are times, after we have cultivated the ground, planted the seeds, worked the garden, and allowed the Lord to do what He needs to do, then it's time time harvest, to reap what you have sown.
 Jesus, as we read in Luke 22:39, frequented the garden of Gethsemane. It was here, in this garden, we see a real glimpse of the fervent prayer life of Jesus. It was in this garden we see the King of Kings in his most desperate time while in the flesh. So for me the garden is a significant place to say the least.
 So what's my point? I just want to share, that after some time of planting, cultivating and waiting on the Lord to send the rain and the things that we can't do, my family and I are approaching the harvest. Although until now this revelation was not known to me, the things we have been planting and asking God to provide and grow are now blooming and will soon be ready for us to harvest, as long as we continue to come into the garden and cultivate the land and tend to the things the Lord wants us to. So Lord I just ask that you give me and my family, and any who read this a "green thumb". I ask that we all seek after that intimacy with you. That we desire to be in that secret place with you Lord. In Jesus name Amen!
Love In Christ

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