Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hannah and Samuel...

 Long time, no blog. To say that I have been preoccupied is an understatement. You see, A LOT has transpired over the past month and a half. God has moved on mine and my families hearts in a big and mighty way. You see we had a unique opportunity to spent Christmas and a good part of January with some very special children from an orphanage in the Ukraine. It was awesome, to just be able to love on these kids and show them the love of Christ that so many have gotten used to, and even take for granted.
Enter the big move of God......
 Over the course of time that we spent with these children, we fell in love with one of them. And what do you know, she fell in love with us. We asked her to be apart of our family, and she said YES! So the adoption process has begun. Now we are merely in the very beginning stages of it right now, but things are moving right along. But when I sit back sometimes and look at what needs to be done, I tend to get a glimpse of how David must of felt when he looked up at Goliath. Thankfully, that feeling subsides when I realize I hold more than just a sling and a stone. I have Christ, in whom I can do all things. I have the mightiest sword, the word of God in which the promises and power to overcome can be found. But most of all, I have God the Son, God the Father and God the Holy spirit. The King of Kings, the Creator of the heavens and earth and the one true God to whom all things are in subjection to and belong to.
 With that being said, on to the title of this blog, Hannah and Samuel. Throughout this whole thing I have been fervently praying for God to make all that is needed come forth. But the one thing that I seem to continuously ask God is this one simple prayer, "God give me this girl, give me this child, so that I may in return give her back to you Lord. Lord send me this child and let it be for your glory Lord". You see we are not trying to save the world, we are not filling our own desires, we are doing what the Lord has called us to do. We earnestly believe in James 1:27, we believe that to be the foundational piller for our family (James 1:27 : "Pure and undefiled religion in the eyes of our God and Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the wolrd"). So just as Hannah desparately cried out for a child, as do we! We have commited to the Lord the children we already have, and Proverbs 22:6 is the mandate from the Lord in which we raise our children. We teach them His ways, not ours(Disclaimer: We are not perfect, we will never claim that one. So yes, they get some of us in their training as well.). What we are passionate about, our children will be passionate about. " As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". A little clishe I know, but it is another pillar for our family, service to Lord. But that is my point, I am fervantly asking God, to give us this child, because we want to giver her right back to Him. The one whom, when before the giant, guides the stone to the exact spot to bring down the giant. The one who's peace passes all understanding. The one who takes away all pain, all sorrow and replaces it with great unspeakable joy.
So Lord, yes, please give me this child so that I may give her back to you.
 May the Lord Bless You and Keep You!!
Love In Christ
If wish to help with the adoption check out my facebook page, message me there and I'll send you all the info. FYI, we need to raise about $25,000.

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