Thursday, May 31, 2012

The straight and the narrow

Long time, no blog. To say that I have been preoccupied is an understatement. For those wondering, the adoption is moving along quite well, as we will mostly likely be going to pick up our daughter in right around a month. And I have a blog coming on that soon, but first, I want to just share the amazing insight the Lord has given me today. Now keep in mind, and take this from the perspective of a wise "Father" just kind of giving His son some loving correction to get him refocused on what matters. So here it goes.
 So today as sat in my truck at lunch time, I decided to just kind of sit and relax and perhaps see if the Lord had anything He wanted to tell me(although I was really just kind of hoping to play some games on the computer and chill.). I looked across the street from where I was sitting and began to look in the woods, which surround a beautiful lake and reservoir(I'll get to that in a minute). As I looked I noticed what looked like a small pathway through the woods. Now even though I can't see it, I know what is on  the other side, a beautiful lake and just amazing place to relax. Now the Lord began to show me how He has shown me the path, He has told me where it leads, even though I can't see it, I know it's there. I couldn't help praise Him for giving me such a beautiful explanation of faith. He also showed me to trust Him, and continue to follow the path, even though I can't see where it leads, I know where it leads, and I know He has cleared the way. So, in my usual way I said Thank you Lord, that was awesome, Love ya, thanks! Then He said, I'm not done yet.
 Then He tells me to look in front of the path, and what do I see? I say well Lord there's some pretty thick brush, a huge ditch, a fence, another ditch and oh yeah, a road(which by the way, will take you to the lake, but it'll cost ya). Let's start with the road, broad is the way that leads to destruction(Matt 7:14, I believe). But also, He showed me the road is man made, and how many times we, I, try to build our own path, instead of following God's path. Then He showed me with the fence that many times we put obstacles up in our own lives that keep us from accessing the path that God has laid out for us. Then there is the brush and the ditches, and those are just weapons of the enemy, which if we stand on the Word of God cannot prosper against us as children of God.
 But the one thing that He showed me and this brought it all home for  me, was one simple thought, stay focused on Him and His plan for your life. You see, the last thing He showed me was this, as I looked again at the small path,and really just focused on it, I could not even see those things, and ultimately, to get to the path, I could cross the road, climb the fence, cross the ditches and fight through the brush, or walk to the entrance and just follow it the way it was intended to be followed. And that's the straight and narrow, if we Focus on Him and follow His direction and leading, then when the obstacles come, whether we make them or the enemy, they are all easily surmounted with Christ.

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