Wednesday, March 7, 2012

God or the United States?

You know, sometimes it just amazes me the way people react to someone when they choose to follow God, and do what He has called that person to do. I am also amazed at how many people hide behind the title "American", or think that good deeds and acts should remain within the confines of the United States. I mean let's be totally honest, and not hide on what happened 236 years ago. Yes it is safe to say this country was founded on Christian ideals and principles, but truthfully, can we honestly say that today, as a nation, we are a Christian nation. Those, like me, who are after God and His perfect will and heart hope and pray that the church will again rise up, and God is restored as the head of this country. We hope and pray that the church will repent and God will withhold His Judgment that is most assuredly impending. But honestly, can we say we are a Christian nation?

What brings on this tirade, this seemingly harsh rant, let me just say this, I am in no way angry, I am not defending and I am not attacking anyone! In fact I am just merely speaking freely what is on my heart and what I have observed as we embarked on this amazing journey to bring a child, a child that we have come to know and love just as we love our naturally born children, into our home. Most people have been supportive, most have been encouraging. But some have been offended. But as Jesus once said, I will shake the dust off my feet and keep moving. (Not an exact quote, but you get the point.) Some people ask, there are lots of children here, why not from the United States? Others say, "It’s not fair to your children". And some even think it is wrong because we have to raise money. All valid questions and points, but they fail to take into account one BIG detail, one small tidbit of information, the simple fact that we DID NOT PLAN THIS. True, we have wanted to adopt, and we always said we would once we were ready, we said the child would be from the US, and we would not disrupt our birth order. Guess what, God, yes God, had another plan.

When we met this beautiful young girl we fell in love with her. We knew over the time we had with her that she was going to be a part of our family. God had put a love in our hearts that was birthed within His heart, and He placed it in ours. We love our unconditionally, just the same as we love our other three. The fact of the matter is, my heart broke immensely as we got to know her, and even more so when we had to watch her get on a plane, and return to her home country. Every day, a part of my heart breaks because to me, one of my children is half way around the world, living in a place of uncertainty. Her desire is not just to have a family, but be in our family. So this is not a blind adoption, we know and love her, and she knows and loves us!

With that being said, what makes the US so special, that its children take precedence over the rest of the children of the world. Last time I checked, the Word of God that is, we are all children of the same God, the same creator. In fact, a founding document of this country states that to be true, I believe it says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."- United States Declaration of Independence. Nowhere in this statement does it specifically limit those rights to Americans. My belief in God, and my belief in that statement written as the opening statement in the very document that declares our freedom, is why I am trying to bring this child into my home. I am simply doing what God has called me to do! There used to be an old saying, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the call". Through this journey we are on, I am watching God qualify His call for us to do this every single day.

I love the Lord, and I love this country, otherwise I would not have served it as I did. But you see, there is one who is greater than this nation, He is the King of Kings, and He is the ruler of all nations and one day, every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord of all. "As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord". We will acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He alone will direct our paths. It is our submission as a family that has brought us on this journey.

Love in Christ


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